Öppet brev till Lyan Sierra-Caro, Corporate Communications, Royal Caribbean Cruises
Öppet brev till Lyan Sierra-Caro, Corporate Communications, Royal Caribbean Cruises
Is sewage really dumped into the Baltic by Royal Caribbean cruise ships?
Attn. Lyan Sierra-Caro
Dear Lyan,
After learning that it is common practice for cruise ships to empty their septic tanks into the Baltic sea I am chocked.
If your company is to make a profit from cruises on our beloved Baltic sea, you should act responsibly and take care of your waste like you do with any other trash.
The Baltic sea is a bad state already and the sewage dumped from large cruise ships damages the fragile ecosystem even further. Sewage is a contributing factor to blooming algae.
Does your company’s ships dump sewage into the Baltic sea? If you do, how do you motivate this?
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Jacob Sternius
Stop dumping sewage in the Baltic Sea

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