Write a Letter to Your Politician
Signby.me makes it easy to write letters to politicians and decision makers.
Choose your campaign to engage in. You will probably hear aboyt the campaign through a newsletter you are following, or maybe on social media.
Some campaigns are Private, this means you can only access them if you know the link.

Campaign Page
The Campaign Page is the first step of a Campaign. You can learn more about the background and find out who is the sponsor behind the campaign.
This is a good place to find links to articles, more campaign resources, and other relevant info.

The Arguments
The arguments are the building blocks for the letters we create. It is up to you to select your arguments you want to add to your letter.
By evaluating well written arguments you might even discover a few new ones you hadn't heard before.
Select a few arguments you like, but remember to keep you text short and to the point, so it becomes read.

Sign with your name and your place.
You can of course be anonymous, but the risk is that your letter ends up in the trash without being read.
The campaign sponsor may not disclose your participation in the campaign, your name or place, without your concent. The sponsor may quote your textunless it reveals your identity.

Choose Your Recipient
Select the recipient you want to write. Pick one with whom you have something in common, for example you voted for, or someone from you constituency?
Signby.me maintains a large number of contact details to various decision makers. You can easily add your own recipient groups.
We can also help you with data collection.
Less known politicians usually get less mail compared with the better known. Maybe your message draws more attention from them?

Edit Your Text
As you will discover, it is much easier to edit a finished text instead of starting out with a blank sheet of paper.
Here is where you enter your email, an eye-catching heading, and edit your text to make it your own.
Note that your letter is not sent yet.

Confirm Your Email
Now you have received an email from Signby.me asking you to confirm your email address - when you click the link in the email your letter is sent.
You will receive a copy of the letter sent and any replies from the decison makers will go straight to your inbox.
You can now choose to recycle your text to a new recipient or write a new letter.