Öppet brev till EU-kommissionen
Upprätthåll vargarnas skydd i Sverige och EU!
Bästa Europeiska kommissionen,
Jag skriver med anledning av kommissionens inbjudan att lämna in aktuella uppgifter om vargpopulationer och deras inverkan.
Jag avråder starkt från att försvaga skyddet av varg i Europeiska unionen och i Sverige i synnerhet. En försvagning av skyddet skulle ha en enormt skadlig effekt på naturvården i unionen och mycket väl kunna leda till att den redan ömtåliga vargstammen i Sverige utrotas.
Jag uppmanar kommissionen att gå vidare med det pågående överträdelseärendet om svensk vargförvaltning. I år beslutade svenska myndigheter att tillåta jakt på 75 vargar. Rekordstora 57 vargar sköts – mer än 12 procent av befolkningen. Denna uppenbara överträdelse av det strikta skyddet i habitatdirektivet ger ett starkt skäl för kommissionen att väcka överträdelseärendet till EU-domstolen.
I linje med inbjudan skulle jag särskilt vilja fästa kommissionens uppmärksamhet på följande fakta och uppgifter:
Bästa Europeiska kommissionen,
I’m deeply concerned about the future of the wolves in the European Union and Sweden and want to express my opinion in the matter and pass on important facts in line with the Commission’s invitation to do so.
Europe’s fragile wolf population needs active protection measures from the Commission’s side. The Commission has hitherto been an important guardian of the Union’s nature and returning carnivore populations. A weakening of the wolves’ legal protection at this point could undo years of conservation work and set a harmful example.
I therefore urge the Commission to strive for maintaining a strict protection of wolves, strengthen supervision and take active measures against Member States that don’t observe the rules in the Habitats Directive.
The Scandinavian wolf population is small, isolated and fragile. In the winter of 2022-2023, the Swedish wolf population was estimated to 450 wolves, according to an official monitoring report:https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3068933
Due to decisions on hunting allowances from Swedish authorities, illegal hunting, accidents and natural mortality, the Swedish wolf population was estimated to have drastically decreased to 368 wolfs in the autumn of 2023, by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: https://www.slu.se/globalassets/ew/org/centrb/vsc/vsc-dokument/vsc-publikationer/andren-et-al-2023-berakningar-av-jaktuttag-varg-2024.pdf
Contrary to the Swedish Government’s official standpoint, the Swedish wolf population has not reached Favourable Conservation Status. Due to flawed management, small numbers and isolation, the Swedish wolf population still suffers from severe genetic problems. The inbreeding coefficient (0.24) shows that Swedish wolves in average are as closely related to each other as descendants from siblings (0.25): https://hdl.handle.net/11250/3068933. In April 2020, the Swedish wolf was classed as Endangered in the National Red List: https://www.artdatabanken.se/det-har-gor-vi/rodlistning/dagens-rodlistade-art/varg/
Wolves have a considerably positive effect on Swedish nature and ecology. Swedish research reports show for example that remains from prey killed by wolves benefit other species (Wikenros 2011). Wolves prey on weaker specimens of elk in average than hunters (Sand, Wikenros et al. 2012) which shows that the species has an important role as an apex predator in the natural selection:
Wolves contribute to a well-functioning ecosystem and non-Swedish academic experts in a governmental panel found that the Swedish wolf population should reach 600 wolves to fulfil the criteria of ecological viability (see ‘Joint Statement’). Despite this, the Swedish Environment Protection Agency used this statement as the scientific foundation for a Favourable Reference Population of only 300 wolves: https://www.naturvardsverket.se/globalassets/amnen/jakt-vilt/bilder/ru-utreda-gynnsam-bevarandestatus-varg.pdf
A vast majority of Sweden’s citizens are in favor of wolves in Sweden (69 percent) and few are in opposition (12 per cent). https://pub.epsilon.slu.se/25129/1/dressel_s_et_al_210827.pdf
Avslutningsvis uppmanar jag starkt kommissionen att vidta åtgärder för att skydda Europas värdefulla vargar, och inte försvaga det nödvändiga skyddet.
Vänliga hälsningar,
Åsa Möller
Skarpt läge för vargen – unikt läge att påverka EU-kommissionen