Öppet brev till Hansjöerg Kunze, Vice President PR & Communication, AIDA Cruises
Please help the Baltic sea
Attn. Hansjöerg Kunze
There are free services for handling septic waste in many Baltic ports: Stockholm, Tallinn, and Helsinki to mention a few. Cruise lines should plan routes to take advantage of these facilities instead of dumping excrements and waste in open water.
In Finland it is now illegal even for tiny leisure craft to dump sewage into the sea. This law may not apply to your company, but it gives an idea of how we look at this practice.
The Baltic sea is a bad state already and the sewage dumped from large cruise ships damages the fragile ecosystem even further. Sewage is a contributing factor to blooming algae.
Does your company’s ships dump sewage into the Baltic sea? If you do, how do you motivate this?
I am looking forward to your response.
Kind regards,
Matias Jungar
Vasa, Finland